homepage Forums RCB Chemicals Chinese new year shipping

last updated by Shai 5 months ago
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    Anyone heard from them? Was supposed toget my pack shipped (per there promise BEFORE they left for holiday ) but when they were to give me tracking they never responded and that was feb 2nd..has anyone heard from them?thx




    Although I think my email said to message them a day later for my tracking, which I never did, so probably my fault. But anxiously awaiting!


    Well i am visiting someone in California and im only gonna be here another 2 weeks and i told them this and they promised me they would ship it out before holiday so i sent immediate payment and now i have no idea and all i know is it better not be some excuse that its gonna go out after the holiday or i never would have put in the order and paid i am extremely frustrated because i did this because they mailed me and said they got new stuff in etc and i better order before the holding even though i had recently made a 10g order but i made it anyway because i trusted their word. But it better have gotten shipped because it will be a disaster if it comes after my flight departs my ex’s place without receiving the pack


    I saw this on a forum from a Chinese company that deals w/ RC’s…..

    “We Back to work from Spring Festival Holiday (China) Resumed work on the Feb.17th.
    All orders received during the Holiday, we will ship on the 18th Feb.”


    Yeah thanks , but that is not acceptable for me , did you read what i wrote? I made the order feb. 1st and was talking with them because they contacted me saying they got new product and that if i wanted to get it i better order and pay by February 4th or they will ship out after the holiday … so i made the order immediately and paid and they said i made it with two days to spare . The holiday started feb 10th and they promised it would ship immediately and plenty before the holiday and then i was ghosted for 10 days … they just wrote me last night and said they on holiday still and will get me tracking today but they never answered if they sent it out which is all i cared about cuz it should land anyday cuz its been 11 days now if they shipped it when they said.


    Update* its been another 11 days and the pack hasnt landed ; although there has been more communication recently i even made a new order … has anyone had anything land since ordering before the neverending Chinese new year holiday? Just curious… tracking hasnt updated since February 3rd and its February 24th.

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