homepage Forums RCB Chemicals DC2/XC

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    My package landed today with a few grams Flubromazepam and a sample of RCBC1. However, the latter cant be RCBC1 because it came in a crystalline consistency and was marked XC and had a similar smell to MDMA. I changed my mind during checkout and asked for a freebie of DC2 instead of RCBC1. The employee said it was to late, but I guess they managed to switch the samples anyway.

    My question is, how to dose this and how much? I have already diluted it in PG at 10mg/ml. RCbestcell suggest 50-70mg as a recreational dose but this component is completely unknown to me so if anyone with experience can chime in I would appreciate it. At 60mg orally it’s noticed some stimulating effects, but it’s only been 30min’ish orally.

    Flubromazepam dissolved in PG at 10mg/ml without problems. A little shaking and all clear. Probably could have aimed for 20mg/ml without problems.

    Anyway, DC2/XC? Dosage, duration and side effects?

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Jon.
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Jon.
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Jon.

    So it’s been an hour. Definitely feeling the effects of 70mg. Not very euphoric, but similar to common speed in effects. No jitters or unpleasan side effects so far. Just stimulated. Wouldn’t go much higher than I’m certain some unpleasant effects will accure.

    My rule of thumb, always have Benzo,Kratom or similar within reach when researching unknown stims.


    Hope everything worked out for you!


    It’s a damn shame i discover this vendor after being scammed of basically all my budget. Look forward to working with them


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