homepage Forums Others Is there any way to pay other than crypto?

last updated by Ames 8 months, 4 weeks ago
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  • #167

    I am not crypto literate and thought that after first order PP was an option. I would like to pay but don’t know how.
    Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Swan.

    Non-crypto payments would be great but sadly I have almost never seen this for chem vendors outside Alibaba, and Alibaba doesn’t show chem vendors anymore. It just carries too much liability it seems.

    Here’s what I do, get a wallet on Blockchain, buy crypto from PayPal, and move your crypto to your Blockchain wallet address and pay from there. Do not send funds directly from your PayPal for your own security or it might block you from buying any more crypto.


    I recommend using CashApp. You just buy the crypto on the app and it’s available to send that same day. Easy peasy.

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